What Is Kitchen Club?
Nutrition + Wellbeing + Parenting + Community
More than just a simple lunch club for families with pre-school children, Kitchen Club is an early intervention to improve nutrition, enhance parenting capacity and increase access to further support. We support families with children at increased risk of poor outcomes, who have not yet been reached by other services.
Families work together to make a delicious, healthy lunch, alongside early years activities designed to support attachment, language and development. We provide accessible resources on family nutrition and home learning, and connect families to crucial further support from services like children’s centres, food banks, and Early Help.
We aim to provide effective support for families where a combination of risk factors puts additional pressure on parenting capacity, with a special focus on support for families in temporary accommodation. We deliver three long-term projects specifically for this community.
Our trauma-informed delivery model is designed to support wellbeing and encourage social connection. Each Kitchen Club session is co-produced through consultation, choice and shared decision-making. We take a strengths-based approach, building on parents’ existing knowledge and skills to develop confidence and resilience.
We deliver four sessions per week in Hackney and Haringey, reaching 200+ families per year.
Key Aims
Why Did We Create Kitchen Club?
Disadvantaged children are less likely to do well at school & more likely to have problems later in life.
There are significant risk & protective factors associated with the home environment.
Good nutrition and consistent, responsive parenting are key to healthy development.
Families who could benefit the most are often the least likely to access support.

What Families Say About Us
Agree that:
"Kitchen Club helps my child eat more fruit and veg each week."
Agree that:
"Kitchen Club helps me connect with other services."
Agree that:
"Kitchen Club helps me share positive experiences with my child."
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